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Alliance Name: Rise of the Fallen | Id: 506
Player Power Ratio Tiles Avg. tile level Cities
1 Adropolos 22,242,978 12 9.58 1
2 Admenes 21,859,976 12 9.25 1
3 Natalia Haven 3,927,034 6 7.66 1
4 figo 2,521,639 7 9.28 1
5 Zongetsu 1,538,192 4 9 1
6 MORDREAD 1,201,521 5 10.19 1
7 Kootchie 511,359 2 8.5 1
8 Doomwolf25 145,701 1 8 1
9 lightning knight 106,282 3 9 1
10 coment 68,580 2 6 1
11 P11331305-1 36,882 1 5 1