This is for the Realms we have mapped....

Player name Realm Power Alliance
Fruit Loops Fettsvette #466 4,954,861,864,755,560 GWAMM
Fruit Loops LOLS #497 1,891,918,091,570,360 The Knights of Nee
Fruit Loops Ultima #429 1,006,403,058,134
Fruit Loops Storm #491 117,108,543,656
Fruit Loops Patchnose #316 5,075,461,071 Dragons Stole Our Car
fruit loops Yukon #98 217,558
Fruit Loops Sheathbill #275 8,738
Fruit Loops Katherine #452 8,738
fruit loops Petaluma #63 100
Fruit Loops Cottonmouth #315 0
Fruit Loops Habu #289 0
Fruit Loops Pain Unleashed #498 0