This is for the Realms we have mapped....
Player name | Realm | Power | Alliance |
GrimReaper | Baryonyx #447 | 56,492,730,904 | |
GrimReaper | Minetta #88 | 5,028,763,091 | Sinful |
Grimreaper | Barilium #442 | 2,893,169,623 | |
GrimReaper | Bacon #490 | 2,127,075,327 | LoneStar |
GRIMREAPER | Tsambagarav #398 | 1,003,130,309 | |
grimreaper | Narbada #221 | 122,790,576 | Wings of Darkness |
GrImReApEr | Möhne #101 | 45,250,142 | |
grimreaper | Alioramus #430 | 44,460,036 | |
GrimReaper | Shishapangma #384 | 10,023,970 | fuuuuuck you all |
Grimreaper | Piz Morteratsch #417 | 9,267,040 | |
Grimreaper | Onega #285 | 8,985,369 | |
grimreaper | Avipes #446 | 8,531,560 | INSURRECTION |
grimreaper | Talisker #124 | 8,450,485 | Insurrection |
GrimReaper | Emerald #3 | 3,256,879 | |
grimreaper | Carrauntoohil #425 | 2,685,547 | |
grimreaper | Mercer #91 | 2,685,547 | Behemoth |
Grimreaper | Anserimimus #435 | 2,453,856 | |
Grimreaper | Volta #372 | 2,223,927 | |
grimreaper | Anamudi #404 | 1,201,563 | Shadow Dragons |
grimreaper | Vijverberg #109 | 785,513 | Phoenix Legions |
GrimReaper | Sparrowhawk #322 | 749,214 | |
GRIMREAPER | Plover #278 | 526,027 | MOST HATED |
GrimReaper | Arsenal #123 | 424,335 | |
grimreaper | Whidbey #115 | 375,822 | |
grimreaper | Anatotitan #433 | 375,822 | |
grimreaper | Yarara #256 | 339,360 | BUNCH OF PERVS |
GrimReaper | Carrauntoohil #425 | 336,871 | Anubis |
GrimReaper | Caracara #333 | 289,663 | |
GrimReaper | Katherine #452 | 260,768 | |
GrimReaper | Bardane #86 | 255,918 | |
GrimReaper | Machete #328 | 250,168 | FEAR |
GrimReaper | Lotus #1 | 193,744 | Firefly |
grimreaper | Graafschap #169 | 165,950 | |
grimreaper | Kura #271 | 155,000 | the n3 |
GrimReaper | Mantis #488 | 108,504 | |
GrimReaper | Goshawk #262 | 104,808 | |
Grimreaper | Iris #209 | 92,972 | The rainforest |
Grimreaper | Kinabalu #408 | 92,972 | |
GrimReaper | Ticonderoga #72 | 86,938 | Shadow Warriors |
GrimReaper | Avocet #251 | 83,550 | Spellbound Dragons |
Grimreaper | Piculet #268 | 68,752 | |
Grimreaper | Brazos #217 | 62,302 | Reality Check |
Grimreaper | Cobra #265 | 60,880 | troop of gods |
grimreaper | Rampart #121 | 54,800 | |
Grimreaper | Edgware #150 | 52,340 | phoenix rising |
Grimreaper | Zugspitze #419 | 47,964 | |
Grimreaper | Indus #226 | 47,964 | |
Grimreaper | Intrepid #215 | 41,088 | |
Grimreaper | Korhaan #253 | 40,054 | |
GrimReaper | Köppchen #164 | 39,960 | |
GrimReaper | Lotus #1 | 39,544 | |
Grimreaper | Somerset #108 | 35,220 | |
grimreaper | Hydra #22 | 29,580 | family unit |
GrimReaper | Pearl #2 | 29,270 | |
grimreaper | Sungrebe #231 | 28,533 | |
grimreaper | Moccasin #330 | 26,706 | atlantisch warriors |
grimreaper | Leopold #203 | 23,069 | |
grimreaper | Doublecross #193 | 17,257 | |
grimreaper | Napier #236 | 16,064 | |
grimreaper | Rail #337 | 14,512 | Dark Shadow Wolves |
grimreaper | Seriema #222 | 14,419 | pietje |
GrimReaper | Minna #175 | 13,866 | |
grimreaper | Cavalcade #141 | 13,570 | deathwalkers |
Grimreaper | Quartz #9 | 13,062 | |
GrimReaper | Sandpiper X #299 | 12,206 | |
GRIMREAPER | Tigris #367 | 11,460 | Killer Rabbits |
Grimreaper | Nemea #279 | 11,406 | Die Asen |
GrimReaper | Temprid #476 | 10,410 | |
grimreaper | Mason #105 | 8,676 | devils war |
Grimreaper | Mersey #177 | 7,451 | The Dragons |
GrimReaper | Pfeil #27 | 7,382 | |
GrimReaper | Oder #359 | 7,282 | |
GrimReaper | Aracari #225 | 4,279 | |
grimreaper | Holborn #135 | 4,178 | |
grimreaper | Stål #184 | 3,706 | |
GrimReaper | Harlequin #306 | 3,085 | |
GrimReaper | Octavia #146 | 2,844 | Dammit Refresh Again |
grimreaper | Ultima #429 | 2,708 | Pleasure Island |
grimreaper | Alembic #185 | 2,376 | |
grimreaper | Cottonmouth #315 | 2,110 | rogue assasins |
GrimReaper | Toruk #296 | 1,641 | starwars |
grimreaper | Thames #365 | 1,630 | NightFurry |
grimreaper | Harrow #166 | 1,620 | |
GrimReaper | Tagus #364 | 1,617 | |
GrimReaper | Kildeer #277 | 1,602 | |
GrimReaper | Zilpzalp #317 | 1,517 | |
GrimReaper | 291 | 1,360 | |
GrimReaper | Sapphire #4 | 1,260 | across the realms |
GrimReaper | Imperio #475 | 1,087 | |
grimreaper | Sidewinder #242 | 1,014 | |
grimreaper | Mussurana #282 | 982 | |
grimreaper | Lotus #1 | 883 | |
grimreaper | Yukon #98 | 745 | kill freaks |
grimreaper | Diamond #192 | 740 | high flyers |
GrimReaper | Elmas #107 | 626 | |
GrimReaper | Falcon #266 | 602 | |
GrImReApEr | Ardour #149 | 498 | |
GrimReaper | Diamondback #305 | 462 | |
GrimReaper | Susitna #260 | 386 | |
GRIMREAPER | Lyre #327 | 384 | |
Grimreaper | Kensington #128 | 353 | |
grimreaper | Ketchtaan #301 | 258 | Dragonfire |
grimreaper | Lansdowne #160 | 258 | |
grimReaper | Dominion #190 | 232 | |
GrimReaper | Guillemot #220 | 214 | |
grimreaper | Mamushi #295 | 166 | |
grimreaper | Lapwing #292 | 128 | |
GrimReaper | Canary #34 | 100 | |
GrimReaper | Sperwer #237 | 72 | |
GrimReaper | Anza #199 | 66 | |
grimreaper | Flameback #307 | 50 | |
Grimreaper | Sycamore #314 | 38 | |
GrimReaper | Boomslang #304 | 38 | |
grimreaper | Kagu #258 | 28 | |
GrimReaper | Bristlecone #311 | 14 | |
GrimReaper | Skua #252 | 14 | |
grimreaper | Stormvogel #42 | 10 | |
GrimReaper | Sandpiper #298 | 10 | |
grimreaper | Ocelot #178 | 10 | |
grimreaper | Kemi #349 | 0 | |
GrimReaper | Merrimack #74 | 0 | |
Grimreaper | 406 | 0 | |
grimreaper | Windsor #83 | 0 | |
GrimReaper | Fettsvette #466 | 0 | |
GrimReaper | Dowitcher #274 | 0 | |
Grimreaper | Neva #355 | 0 | |
GrimReaper | Tempest #29 | 0 | |
GrimReaper | Mamba #329 | 0 |