This is for the Realms we have mapped....
Player name | Realm | Power | Alliance |
Tezcatlipoca | Leonardo #454 | 3,986,867,204,470,009 | Les anges de Thanatos |
tezcatlipoca | Belukha #399 | 14,009,566,680,919 | GodsOFwarS |
Tezcatlipoca | Sri Pada #403 | 7,633,178,727,206 | Los Dioses Ocultos |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Sri Pada #403 | 173,596,141,906 | angeles verdugos |
TezCaTliPoCa | Stevenso #461 | 129,569,916,155 | Chili |
tezcatlipoca | Vistula #370 | 69,011,950,887 | CARAMELITOS DE LIMON |
TezCaTlipoCa | Nebeltal #116 | 35,852,552,975 | |
TezCaTlipoCa | Glutomeen #450 | 19,278,174,970 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Barilium #442 | 167,331,287 | BoldOldOnes |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Bochy #444 | 73,281,603 | |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Cobra #265 | 73,281,603 | draco mortis |
TezCaTlipoCa | Kyll #35 | 72,310,345 | Traders Guild of The Dragons |
TezCaTliPoCa | Pfeil #27 | 62,160,054 | Die Highlaender |
tezcatlipoca | Pelícano #280 | 17,327,319 | poder serpiente evolocion |
tezcatlipoca | Terrebonne #77 | 12,347,721 | Ghost Hunter |
Tezcatlipoca | Osprey #334 | 9,511,752 | Green House Seed co |
Tezcatlipoca | Köppchen #164 | 7,260,898 | Aztekenreich |
Tezcatlipoca | Torregrosa #195 | 4,089,139 | |
tezcatlipoca | Ural #369 | 2,921,990 | 111 time out 111 |
Tezcatlipoca | Arreguin #213 | 2,643,967 | Warriors |
Tezcatlipoca | Rojas #143 | 2,541,364 | los chicos del barrio KND |
Tezcatlipoca | Bastione #131 | 2,320,022 | mano sanguinaria |
Tezcatlipoca | Rutledge #198 | 1,938,273 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Frontier #122 | 1,324,856 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Springvale #142 | 907,642 | Holy |
Tezcatlipoca | Fusain #276 | 837,118 | |
tezcatlipoca | Whidbey #115 | 837,035 | Cruellas Death Minions |
tezcatlipoca | Bainbridge #103 | 794,331 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Pelayo #114 | 533,337 | Kings of Dragons |
Tezcatlipoca | Oviedo #119 | 410,224 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Gran Sasso #420 | 373,765 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Hounslow #140 | 373,765 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Rocheblave #157 | 357,372 | |
tezcatlipoca | Imperio #475 | 352,094 | |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Albion #161 | 344,564 | Knights Of The Chimera |
Tezcatlipoca | Lotus #1 | 307,112 | Wolf Pack |
Tezcatlipoca | Euphrates #345 | 264,607 | Aztek Soldiers Of Gold |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Mediavilla #170 | 236,104 | |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Casuarinas #158 | 217,306 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Reyes #137 | 216,401 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Manaslu #390 | 216,359 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Montrose #155 | 165,910 | Moonlight Angels |
Tezcatlipoca | Muralla #191 | 143,290 | Legion Guerrera |
Tezcatlipoca | Stål #184 | 142,897 | |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Azapa #152 | 124,230 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Bacon #490 | 92,312 | Guerrero Mexica |
Tezcatlipoca | Crane #312 | 79,704 | Les Fous du Dragon |
Tezcatlipoca | Hoffman #206 | 79,287 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Grayling #235 | 68,596 | |
tezcatlipoca | Manaslu #390 | 66,172 | w zombi |
Tezcatlipoca | Lombard #145 | 64,300 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Kagu #258 | 41,664 | Little Angels |
Tezcatlipoca | Matachel #254 | 39,716 | LA ALDEA OCULTA ENTRA LAS HOJAS |
Tezcatlipoca | Violeta #290 | 38,936 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Doublecross #193 | 35,729 | HispanosSuperiores |
tezcatlipoca | Euston #168 | 34,677 | mictlan |
Tezcatlipoca | Frederick #196 | 30,538 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Fumaric #459 | 22,238 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Curlew #243 | 19,827 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Dome Argus #381 | 19,248 | le donjon de naheulbeuk |
Tezcatlipoca | Etourneau #297 | 11,424 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Carrizosa #207 | 9,751 | los dioses oscuros |
Tezcatlipoca | Clementine #176 | 8,880 | |
tezcatlipoca | Somerset #108 | 8,563 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Poydras #120 | 7,740 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Villareal #89 | 7,100 | |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Zamora #153 | 7,050 | |
tezcatlipoca | Sandpiper X #299 | 5,925 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Rampart #121 | 5,552 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Exeter #202 | 4,819 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Harrow #166 | 3,664 | Mictlán |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Alphonse #455 | 2,966 | |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Guadalquivir #53 | 2,966 | |
tezcatlipoca | Tajo #66 | 2,502 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Aconcagua #409 | 2,272 | Aztecas |
tezcatlipoca | Python #331 | 1,926 | DRAGONES AZTECAS |
Tezcatlipoca | Jet #7 | 1,793 | |
tezcatlipoca | Jacinto #148 | 1,567 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Seriema #222 | 1,502 | |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Anaconda #39 | 1,132 | dioses de dragones |
Tezcatlipoca | Riazor #93 | 809 | |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Lansdowne #160 | 290 | |
tezcatlipoca | Huesca #111 | 172 | |
tezcatlipoca | Cacciatore #147 | 100 | |
tezcatlipoca | Violeta #290 | 100 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Topazio #319 | 90 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Brazos #217 | 90 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Diamondback #305 | 76 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Harlequin #306 | 56 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Anza #199 | 52 | |
tezcatlipoca | Civetta #227 | 50 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Palisades #181 | 38 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Intrepid #215 | 38 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Brolga #229 | 28 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Minna #175 | 22 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Susitna #260 | 14 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Iris #209 | 14 | |
Tezcatlipoca | Ardour #149 | 10 | |
TEZCATLIPOCA | Oder #359 | 0 |