This is for the Realms we have mapped....
Player name | Realm | Power | Alliance |
constantine | Sri Pada #403 | 58,814,654,260 | |
Constantine | Gran Sasso #420 | 13,363,196,025 | Black and White |
Constantine | Zilpzalp #317 | 593,521,065 | raubritter |
constantine | Altispinax #431 | 495,936,640 | |
Constantine | Celestial Wars #500 | 455,005,224 | |
constantine | Buni Zom #397 | 440,522,271 | |
constantine | Diran #396 | 381,899,832 | |
Constantine | Hounslow #140 | 340,740,672 | Black and White |
CONSTANTINE | Garonne #56 | 144,885,506 | THE GEARS OF WAR |
constantine | Lulu #456 | 58,400,822 | |
constantine | Jasper #13 | 58,392,248 | Strange Music |
constantine | Chiavris #159 | 36,598,864 | Revelations of DDP |
Constantine | Tagliamento #59 | 35,742,574 | I Mietitori |
Constantine | Turmfalke #218 | 5,710,632 | |
Constantine | Leonardo #454 | 4,485,720 | |
Constantine | Perruche #264 | 4,485,720 | la bonne equipe |
Constantine | Arreguin #213 | 2,703,148 | |
Constantine | Bastione #131 | 2,411,584 | The Knights of Apocalypse |
Constantine | Iris #209 | 2,263,435 | Holy Armada |
constantine | Mekong #352 | 1,777,194 | Mt Olympus |
Constantine | Kızılırmak #67 | 925,430 | SONGÜLÜM |
Constantine | Claremont #205 | 880,872 | Beavis and Butthead |
Constantine | Narbada #221 | 430,058 | UNTOUCHABLES |
Constantine | Minetta #88 | 289,849 | Under World |
Constantine | Hudson #94 | 267,163 | |
Constantine | Camden #133 | 263,892 | Balrog Riderz |
Constantine | Ostrero #219 | 212,638 | |
constantine | Holborn #135 | 203,102 | |
Constantine | Lansdowne #160 | 194,151 | |
Constantine | Fraser #346 | 162,832 | |
Constantine | Cephanelik #183 | 154,648 | atlantıs dragonları |
Constantine | Dhaulagiri #393 | 154,648 | |
Constantine | Irving #165 | 117,041 | Alliance of Friends |
constantine | Camberwell #167 | 115,485 | Wet N Wild |
constantine | Matterhorn #416 | 115,485 | |
Constantine | Navarra #186 | 114,325 | the dragons of dark soul |
constantine | Windsor #83 | 112,894 | |
Constantine | Köppchen #164 | 102,248 | Illuminati |
constantine | Corregidora #106 | 76,691 | |
Constantine | Aracari #225 | 66,192 | |
constantine | Filyos #60 | 64,893 | |
Constantine | Yukon #98 | 49,598 | |
Constantine | Mercer #91 | 33,859 | |
Constantine | Könige #138 | 26,150 | |
constantine | Aquamarine #17 | 21,091 | Velocirpators Inc |
constantine | Crépuscule #201 | 19,329 | |
Constantine | Leopold #203 | 18,612 | |
CONSTANTINE | Pelícano #280 | 17,916 | |
Constantine | Allalinhorn #413 | 16,794 | |
Constantine | Montrose #155 | 16,794 | |
Constantine | Calderones #230 | 14,175 | |
constantine | Diran #396 | 13,080 | |
constantine | Acadiana #80 | 11,724 | |
constantine | Akvamarin #40 | 11,119 | |
constantine | Amapola #250 | 10,521 | caballeros de las sombras |
ConstanTinE | Chomo Lhari #394 | 10,119 | |
Constantine | Osprey #334 | 9,776 | magic dragons |
constantine | Somerset #108 | 9,775 | |
Constantine | Dome Argus #381 | 9,721 | |
Constantine | Dynasty #471 | 8,196 | Vikings Conquest |
Constantine | Culebra #240 | 8,092 | age of demon |
Constantine | Keelback #272 | 7,576 | |
Constantine | Whimbrel #257 | 6,583 | |
Constantine | Dominion #190 | 5,492 | |
Constantine | Kildeer #277 | 5,239 | |
constantine | Riazor #93 | 4,746 | |
Constantine | Niagara #84 | 3,006 | |
Constantine | Quartz #9 | 2,821 | |
constantine | Lombard #145 | 2,716 | Horseman of The Apocalypse |
Constantine | Blutjaspis #16 | 2,516 | |
CONSTANTINE | Naranjo #82 | 2,256 | Chile Elite II |
constantine | Tormenta #267 | 2,190 | |
Constantine | Guillemot #220 | 2,132 | |
Constantine | Mussurana #282 | 2,078 | |
Constantine | Nebeltal #116 | 1,908 | |
Constantine | Sidewinder #242 | 1,818 | |
constantine | Lora #326 | 1,813 | |
constantine | Cantil #313 | 1,776 | |
Constantine | Jacinto #148 | 1,738 | dragones de agua |
Constantine | Habu #289 | 1,433 | Reddframe |
Constantine | Indus #226 | 1,291 | |
Constantine | Mamba #329 | 1,187 | |
Constantine | Constance #113 | 1,181 | |
Constantine | Dowitcher #274 | 1,168 | |
constantine | Janus #118 | 1,090 | |
Constantine | Huesca #111 | 1,057 | Bizantinos |
constantine | Modena #102 | 1,032 | Master Dragon |
constantine | Oviedo #119 | 1,022 | |
constantine | Avipes #446 | 1,016 | |
constantine | Talisker #124 | 1,016 | |
constantine | Ketchtaan #301 | 918 | |
constantine | Sandpiper #298 | 428 | |
Constantine | Chinook #216 | 414 | |
Constantine | Plover #278 | 404 | Lusts Bordello |
ConStantIne | Choucas #223 | 384 | |
constantine | Diamondback #305 | 350 | |
constantine | Delle Alpi #76 | 306 | armaya |
constantine | Anza #199 | 276 | |
Constantine | Intrepid #215 | 276 | |
constantine | Mason #105 | 260 | |
Constantine | Civetta #227 | 192 | |
CONSTANTINE | Violeta #290 | 138 | |
Constantine | Napier #236 | 130 | |
Constantine | Mersey #177 | 128 | |
Constantine | Seriema #222 | 92 | |
Constantine | Minna #175 | 90 | |
Constantine | Exeter #202 | 86 | |
Constantine | Cacciatore #147 | 68 | |
Constantine | Ocelot #178 | 66 | |
Constantine | Brolga #229 | 62 | |
Constantine | Skua #252 | 42 | |
constantine | Luciones #261 | 42 | |
constantine | Falcon #266 | 38 | |
constantine | Kensington #128 | 30 | |
Constantine | 291 | 28 | |
Constantine | Brazos #217 | 28 | |
constantine | Toruk #296 | 28 | |
constantine | Carrizosa #207 | 24 | |
constantine | Cobra #265 | 14 | |
Constantine | Euston #168 | 10 | |
constantine | Elmas #107 | 10 | |
Constantine | Crake #336 | 0 | |
Constantine | Chappal Waddi #378 | 0 | |
constantine | Noshaq #395 | 0 | |
constantine | Vistula #370 | 0 | |
Constantine | Evangeline #81 | 0 | |
Constantine | Kemi #349 | 0 | |
Constantine | Tsambagarav #398 | 0 | |
constantine | Hwai #348 | 0 | |
constantine | Euphrates #345 | 0 | |
Constantine | Volta #372 | 0 | |
constantine | Moccasin #330 | 0 | |
constantine | Bainbridge #103 | 0 | |
Constantine | Onega #285 | 0 | |
CoNSTaNTiNe | Katherine #452 | 0 | |
constantine | Rojas #143 | 0 | |
CoNSTaNTiNe | Sheathbill #275 | 0 | |
CONSTANTINE | Lethe #463 | 0 | |
Constantine | Necochea #179 | 0 | |
Constantine | Harrier #335 | 0 |