This is for the Realms we have mapped....

Player name Realm Power Alliance
randomly random Ergone #443 3,776,138,722,239,183 the ancient ones
randomly random Celestial Wars #500 177,338,278,960,304 Eternal Freaks
randomly random LOLS #497 131,193,695,225,069 ancient one
randomly random Damavand #412 16,669,553,186 The Wasteland
randomly random Cottonmouth #315 2,562,089,790 Ancient Souls
randomly random Mason #105 743,271,245
randomly random Hudson #94 255,300,008 Loony Bin
randomly random Cantil #313 25,768,818 SICK BUBBLEGUM
randomly random Katherine #452 25,768,818
randomly random Sandpiper #298 17,710,073 Insane Asylum
randomly random Avipes #446 15,334,900
randomly random Merrimack #74 13,124,046 DeathStar