This is for the Realms we have mapped....

Player name Realm Power Alliance
xX The Joker Xx Mittelmeer #54 4,336,237,138,307,722
XX THE JOKER XX Pantheon #489 26,233,257,585,860 Gargoyles
xX The Joker Xx Nemea #279 21,039,679
xX ThE JoKeR Xx Verrat #182 15,326,316
xX ThE JoKeR Xx Chromium #467 15,326,316
Xx ThE JokeR xX Glutomeen #450 11,996,173
Xx ThE JokeR xX Kyll #35 11,687,674 meduris relodaet
xX ThE JoKeR Xx Ishikawa #457 3,384,676
xX ThE JoKeR Xx Turmfalke #218 3,384,676 BuRn ThIs WoRlD
xX The Joker Xx Blutjaspis #16 1,466,933
Xx The Joker xX Bastione #131 516,472
xX The Joker Xx Katherine #452 159,978
xX The Joker Xx Sheathbill #275 159,978
Xx The Joker xX Bochy #444 0
Xx The Joker xX Emerald #3 0